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Space Bag


Description: People often put stuff they bought in the same bags and don't care whether fragile food and items will be squeezed. This bag is designed to separate food, and hard out packaging products. It is for people who usually go to markets, like Walmart, Save on Food, because it can separate food and boxes very well.​

​The separate space bag is composed of two parts. One is the bag and another one is plastic boards. The boards are movable and can be taken off. They are the core of this bag because they are used to separate food and other items.


​Why you need this bag: The separate space bag is light and very easy to carry. The only difference between this bag and others is that it has several plastic boards that are used to separate staff. Because the boards are not fixed, people can take them off if they don't need it. 

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​The price is 21.99 dollars

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